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#2.1 | Cacao by the River and Deep Healing

To set aside time for myself, connect barefoot with the earth on the way to the river and within it, and sit with the 'Food of the Gods', now that's a morning that serves me, truly.

Some days things move... and I don't really know what's happening until I'm on the other side and can see how all of the pieces have come together.

There is so much happening over here... mostly in my head, in the ways my world is shifting that I don't know yet, and I welcome in gratitude for the beauty that surrounds me, usually when it's right up in my face and smacks me back down to reality after I've been getting lost in stories that don't serve me.

This happened the other day when I was driving, on my way to get a single serving sized ice cream cake (and in this moment I realize why I make videos for this instead of typing because I have so much to say...), which they didn't have at this location after I got so excited seeing it at another location without trying one (hello to the practice of releasing expectations...) and I glanced to the side of the road and saw this fence about a block long that had beautiful hearts painted all over it! In that moment I was reminded that there's always support and love around me, and even if I'm having myself a little pity party and feeling bogged down in the stories I tell myself, it can and will come through. There's more stories on that too. That's all for now! It is now after 12 PM and I haven't had my "morning" ceremonial cacao so I best make that and be on my way to the river. It's busy here in Canmore, so here I choose to welcome in the practice of releasing expectations, not anticipating what the weather, wildlife (squirrels and birds mostly), and humans will be like, and remind myself that "it will be all that it needs to be".

That's all for now. I wanted to send something here because there's been so much happening over the past 36 hours (and beyond), great connections, deep reflections, powerful releases that have just trickled along, and so so so much clarity and insights that are just calling for the space for me to receive. I post this now as I am leaving my phone at the house knowing that if I brought it I'd be too easily distracted today wanting to share even more here. Today's call is for me to sit with it all, being open to what's already determined that I just haven't seen yet, and trust that what will be is something even more magical than I can currently comprehend, and potentially more magical than I ever can.

So cheers to me, to you, and to this magnificent thing they call life!

Namaste. 🙏

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